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Unbound & Kate 

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." 

-Albert Einstein


I help people with chronic stress and muscular tension feel better. As a massage therapist (TX MT135100), my frequent tools include fingers, hands, and forearms. 


As a human, my frequent tool is presence.


My sessions are a team effort - client and therapist together - exploring  the musculoskeletal system and how it responds to input. Often that means pressure, motion, stretch. Clients arrive reporting tension in all sorts of places.


That tension always has a story. Here are some: 



My posture is terrible.

I hunch over at a computer all the time

This is just where I carry my tension


Years ago I had a disc issue

When I work out it acts up, but I can't give up the exercise.

Worse in the morning


I've had headaches since I was a teenager

It always starts HERE and wraps around

I catch myself clenching when I'm working 

I'm supposed to wear a night guard

I feel one side click now


Things are good...just need a reset

Time for a tuneup

I'm stiff and sore. Bad sleep and stress?

There's just a lot going on now.

Do these stories sound familiar?

          Hi, I'm Kate       

Our tension has a story...

And so do I.


For years, I was a teacher.  Public school, charter school, supplemental services and private tutoring. Math, science, reading, a touch of social studies. Early childhood through 12th grade. Mostly children with developmental differences who benefited especially from specialized learning plans (In public school, "special ed.")



I consulted with parents, speech therapists, social workers, probation officers. I gave out school supplies, cold weather gear, cheers for effort, high fives on the regular, and learned to consciously see possibility and opportunity for growth in each little human. They inspired me. And boy, was it challenging.



Empower a thriving community of people willing to engage in self inquiry, grounded in their bodies, relating to themselves and each other with care, kindness, and connection


Empower a thriving community of people willing to engage in self inquiry, grounded in their bodies, relating to themselves and each other with care, kindness, and connection


I dealt with stress through a rigorous yoga practice. And eventually continued my undergrad Asian religions study with a master's in traditional Chinese medicine. That's when I really discovered bodywork and realized mind-body practice was something I wasn't interested was something inextricably part of my life and had been for awhile. I renewed qigong practice (started back in Colorado in 2005) and became a Texas licensed massage therapist  (MT135100).

What does this mean for you?


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